TNP | Bath & NE Somerset: Wide Area Network
Bath & NE Somerset: Wide Area Network
TNP | Featured Case Study
Key Benefits
Bath & NE Somerset: Wide Area Network
The Council’s existing WAN used LLU infrastructure based on three BT Openreach telephone exchanges, but did not use the latest fibre-based technology or next generation access (FTTC/NGA).
TNP’s solution adds significant value by redesigning the existing network to increase capacity using newer technologies, and opening up the full range of technical possibilities offered by the underlying service provider BT Openreach. This enabled the network to be enhanced without a complete WAN refresh.
Installation stats

20km of
new ducting

21km of upgrade
to existing ducting

55km of new
fibre installed

1,457 properties
passed within 50

15,900 properties
passed within
200 metres

110 Meet-me/points
of presence (PoPs)