Key Benefits
- 20km new ducting
- 21km upgraded ducting
- 55km Fibre installed
- 1,457 properties within 50m
- 15,900 properties within 200m
- 110 Meet-me/PoPs
Are TNP right for you or your organisation?
How the LFFN Project has transformed digital connectivity in Blackpool
Blackpool Council’s long-standing partnership with digital networks specialist TNP enabled the authority to lead the UK rollout of LFFN (Local Full Fibre Network) programmes designed to transform the UK’s digital infrastructure.
The partnership enabled the Council to procure the LFFN infrastructure quickly, efficiently and cost effectively using transparent ‘open book’ contracts agreed with TNP that guaranteed best value at every stage of the network procurement, implementation and support lifecycle.
The open access infrastructure designed and built by TNP for the Council facilitates easy use of the digital hybrid network by other ISPs and telco companies which are members of the ‘Cooperative Network’, chosen by the Council to develop and share the network. Co-operative members market and enable use of the services, to bridge the ‘last 100 metre’ connections to the digital network.
Installation stats

20km of
new ducting

21km of upgrade
to existing ducting

55km of new
fibre installed

1,457 properties
passed within 50

15,900 properties
passed within
200 metres

110 Meet-me/points
of presence (PoPs)
Are TNP right for you or your organisation?